To set this up:
- Log into your email.
- Click on the gear located on the upper right hand side.
- Click on Mail Settings
5. Then click next to Vacation Responder On
6. Choose the dates you will be gone
7. In the message section write a generic message, you don't have to be detailed about why you are gone. Also remember to include an alternate contact if they need to get a hold of someone ASAP.
8. Under the message box you can choose if you want to send your vacation responder to only those in your contacts, only those at MJSD, and if you do not choose either of those it will go to anyone who emails you (including spammers).
9. Then remember to scroll down and save changes.
10. Then your vacation responder is all set-up!
It might not be a good idea to turn this on over the summer, unless you have contacts outside of the school district who contact you often. Otherwise as school secretaries and other staff members try to email you over the summer they will be receiving lots of away messages from people.